Prioritize health in architecture

Baldomero Falcones Jaquotot
"Habitat is and has been a fundamental part of human development. A healthy architecture is a duty and a right of every person, of every family, of the next generations"
Married, 5 children
Renta Corporacion Director since April 2016. He has been President and CEO of Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC) and Global President of MasterCard International (New York). He has also been CEO of Banco Hispanoamericano, Banco Central Hispano and Banco Santander Central Hispano and a member of its Management Committee for 15 years. In addition, he has been President of Banco Urquijo Limited (UK), Hispano Americano Sociedade do Investimento (Portugal), Banco Hispano Americano Benelux, Banco Urquijo Chile, Fiat Finance, S.A. and Santander Seguros, S.A, Seopan
After his career in banking, he founded Magnum Industrial Partners. In addition, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Unión Fenosa, CESCE, Generalli Spain and Seguros La Estrella, Banif, Sistemas 4B, Unisono, Tessag etc.
He has participated in Trustees and Councils of NGOs such as Fundación Príncipe de Asturias, Fundación Carolina, Universia, Fundación Albéniz, Asociación Española contra el Cancer (Vice-President), Plan Internacional (President).